Car Fresh: 1-Year Warranty on Automotive (Active w.e.f September 2024)

Authorized Partner Information

Car Fresh Pte Ltd

Status: Active w.e.f September 2024

Product Batch Number: CF-202409001

Batch Production Date: January 2024

Applied Material: Automotive

Warranty Information: 1 Year Warranty

Product Information

Product Name: Speco
Antimicrobial Coating (HS Code: 3910.00)

Active Ingredient Classification: Silane Compound

Quality Control Certification: ISO 22196 w.e.f March 2019

Sustainability Certifications: Certified B Corp w.e.f May 2020

Description: An eco-friendly water-based antimicrobial finish for
surfaces, free from heavy metals

Health and Safety Data

GHS Classification: Category
5 with No hazard statement

Import and Export Classification: Non-Dangerous Good

Experience with Human Exposure: No symptoms are expected from eye
contact, skin contact, ingestion, inhalation, or chronic exposure.

Biodegradability: Product is readily biodegradable in accordance with